Our 'Supertunia® Royal Velvet' Petunia Plant has the perfect name, a result of its exceedingly rich, purple-blue blossoms that refuse to fade, even as the blossom itself begins to fade, making room for more of the same. The diminutive throats are almost black in color, giving surreal depth to these Supertunias, while striking white anthers seem to shine from deep within each flower. The heaviest veins and midribs are colored the same lush, steadfast purple as the throat, providing a 5-rayed star and contrasting decoration on each individual petal.
Pricing & Availability
All items are subject to availability. You may contact us via email - mulchpit1@gmail.com, or call us at 615-754-7076 to check our current availability. We strive to keep our website prices accurate, but prices are subject to change.