Enjoy oregano aroma and flavor in pizza and for tomato sauces. Native to the Mediterranean region, this plant prefers climates with lower humidity, so keep the foliage and roots away from too much moisture. Give it good air circulation. For that reason, it is perfectly suited for a container. In the ground it makes a ground-cover-like mat. Harvest anytime, but especially as the stems begin to get tall to flower. That is when the leaves are the most flavorful.
Pricing & Availability
All items are subject to availability. You may contact us via email - mulchpit1@gmail.com, or call us at 615-754-7076 to check our current availability. We strive to keep our website prices accurate, but prices are subject to change.
All items are subject to availability. You may contact us via email - mulchpit1@gmail.com, or call us at 615-754-7076 to check our current availability. We strive to keep our website prices accurate, but prices are subject to change.