‘Concord’ Grapes produce generous clusters of flavorful fruit. It ripens late and is ideal for jelly, juice, table use and wine. Skins slip easily from the dark-purple fruits. Grapes are not particular about soil preference and do especially well in clays and loams that have been improved with organic matter.
The vines are allowed to run as they will the first year and the posting or staking is done the second or third year when you will prune heavily, leaving only 2 or 3 buds on the strongest stem. As it grows you’ll keep only the most vigorous sprout to form the main stem. Shallow cultivation and mulching are beneficial.
Pricing & Availability
All items are subject to availability. You may contact us via email - mulchpit1@gmail.com, or call us at 615-754-7076 to check our current availability. We strive to keep our website prices accurate, but prices are subject to change.