Brussel Sprouts are a good source of many essential vitamins, protein, as well as fiber, and contain numerous disease-fighting phytochemicals. Brussels sprouts are a slow-growing, long-bearing crop that needs cool weather. The ideal climate is the “fog belt” of the Pacific Northwest, but they will grow in just about any part of the country. Plant in spring and mid- to late summer for a crop that matures in the fall. The small heads mature best in cool and even in light frosty weather. Spring planting is also fine in cooler climates. Be aware that sprouts maturing in hot or dry weather will be flimsy and bitter.
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All items are subject to availability. You may contact us via email - mulchpit1@gmail.com, or call us at 615-754-7076 to check our current availability. We strive to keep our website prices accurate, but prices are subject to change.