Purple Beauty Bell Peppers develop into an eggplant shade of purple and eventually to a reddish color. The peppers are around 3 to 4 inches long as well as wide. The compact bushy plants produce an abundance of fruit on the crown as well as on the limbs. Purple Beauty is just one of many colors that bell peppers provide so gather them all and make a beautifully colorful salad. Being sensitive to the cold, planting should be delayed until the danger of frost is past in the spring. Plant in full sun. Space plants 18″ apart. Grows 24″ to 36″ tall.
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All items are subject to availability. You may contact us via email - mulchpit1@gmail.com, or call us at 615-754-7076 to check our current availability. We strive to keep our website prices accurate, but prices are subject to change.