BOXWOOD BABY GEM (3 Gallon) buxus microphylla japonica 'Gregem'

BOXWOOD BABY GEM (3 Gallon) buxus microphylla japonica 'Gregem'

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The Baby Gem Boxwood is a dwarf boxwood you will love to have in your landscape for a low hedge or border to curve around the front of your home the Baby Gem will suit your needs. This hardy boxwood doesn't bronze-like other varieties so you can sit back and enjoy perfect, vibrant green shrubs all year!

Medium growing, compact evergreen shrub. Height: 3 to 4 feet; spreads 3 to 4 feet. Likes the sun.

Pricing & Availability
All items are subject to availability.  You may contact us via email -, or call us at 615-754-7076 to check our current availability.  We strive to keep our website prices accurate, but prices are subject to change.